Block These 5 People On Social Media And IRL, Stat

Okay, at least mute. Sometimes blocking someone outright causes you more stress than sanctuary- and every situation is unique. 100% of the time, engaging with (or lurking) the following archetypes does you more harm than good.

Remove These People On Your Social Media Cleanse

1) The hate follow

Listen, we allll have those people that we follow with sole purpose of keeping tabs on- even if we are annoyed or triggered by their behavior. But if consistently feel angry or bad about yourself after scrolling through their page, you don’t need ‘em.

2) Ex loves and even ex friends

This is a controversial one, especially if the relationship ended amicably but if seeing their content makes you feels sad, and you know you’d enjoy your scroll time more if you weren’t frequently reminded of your breakup or gradual drifting apart, why are you still there?

3) Fitspo

Get rid of anyone uncertified, untrained, or unexperienced spreading misinformation about what health looks like. By all means, follow your favorite blogger for the outfit ideas, but being hot and famous is not a substitution for a certification and looking to them for advice on how to be your healthiest self is a waste of time, and potentially even harmful. Accounts that celebrate weight loss, before/after shots, or one specific version of health- aka their diet and exercise regime is the “only” right way- need to GO. If the account makes you feel jealous ( in a bad way), unattractive, guilty or sad it has no right taking up your valuable space.

4) Stressful news accounts

Of course, you need to stay informed- but scrolling through apocalyptic, click-bait headlines between artfully styled #shelfies is going to make you feel like shit- not to mention, often times, news on social media isn’t reliable. You’re better off tuning into the actual news and create a safe space on your feed.

5) Sometimes even family

If you have family members who don’t respect your beliefs, sexuality, gender identity, or even your appearance, chances are any content they create can be painful to see, and by allowing them to see your content, you’re potentially opening up an opportunity for a harmful interaction. If they push back or make a comment about you removing them- communicate to them why their content makes you feel unsupported or unloved and be ready to set a hard boundary.


Anyone taking up space on your feed that elicits negative emotions, shouldn’t be there. We should be careful to stay posted on what’s happening with people who don’t share the same beliefs as us, as creating too much of a bubble can cause us to lose sight of reality- but

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