4 Steps To Healing “Screen” Posture

Alternately titled “How To Not Look Like You Spend 24 Hours A Day On Your Phone”.

Forward Head Syndrome, Tech-neck, Software Engineer Chic…whatever you wanna call it, when we jut our chins and face forward it makes our neck muscles have to work overtime because it literally increases the weight of our head when it gets pushed off it’s atlas (the first vertebrae of the cervical spine, the very tip top of your neck).

This has a waterfall effect on the muscles of the shoulders and back because everybody is working as hard as they can to hold that noggin up.

How To Fix Tech Posture

1) The very first thing is to find what YOUR best posture is, by aligning your ribs on your hips, your shoulders on your ribs, and your head on your shoulders. It will probably feel a bit weird if you’ve gotten really comfortable craning your face forward and not using any core whatsoever. It can be really helpful to ask a friend to snap a photo of you from profile view (trying not to fake perfect posture, you need to be real in order to know what to change) to see how close you are to neutral.

2) Practice this exercise to strengthen your newfound neutral alignment.

3) Do these twists to help relieve any back pain that resulted from spending all day on your phone.

4) Spend less time on your screen! The only detox I can get behind is a social media one- and it’s gonna do you WONDERS.

There are even MORE workouts specifically designed to strengthen your posterior chain (the back body) and get you standing taller, pain free, and proud in the Proud Posture Collection on Helen Phelan Studio ( which is free for the first 10 days, if you’re not already a member!


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