A Guide For Your Spine To Survive WFH


Think of your musculoskeletal system like clay. If you let it sit unattended for too long, it’s gonna get sticky that way. Ya hate to see it. This is a problem if you’re a human being, not a play doh sculpture, because it leads to repetitive stress injuries, adhesions in the fascia, can affect your mood and energy negatively, and overall feels pretty shitty. This doesn’t have to be a full on workout (though, I AM your girl if you need one) but don’t get yourself stuck in the same position for too long. My ADHD/over-caffeinated inner child is a big fan of the 20 min sitting rule: if you sit for 20, get on up and stand for another 20, put on your airpods and walk around your apartment for phone meetings etc. This is a good way to batch schedule your productivity too because it’s a prime opportunity to switch tasks and reset your focus. I like to set a little timer on my phone that reminds me to belly breathe and stand. LIFE CHANGING.


I refuse to invest in an expensive standing desk situation even if we are stuck at home for the foreseeable future, I’m on a budget! That being said, sitting on your couch with your laptop in your lap is a great way to stress out your neck and potentially fall into an accidental afternoon nap when you have a deadline. Definitely NOT speaking from experience. First, try stacking some thick books under your laptop to bring it up to eye level for when you are sitting at your desk, and second, for your standing periods, try scooting your laptop over to the top of your high dresser drawers or on top of those same books but over on your kitchen counter.


We all are asymmetrical- that’s nature and normal, don’t get a complex about it because it’s always gonna be true. But repeatedly carrying your baby on one specific hip or sleeping on the same side every night or standing with your weight over on one foot, or always crossing your legs with the same top leg on top or doing pretty much ANY activity with a “favorite” side can create muscular imbalance that leads to pain and poor mobility. Start to become aware of how you do each activity and try it out on the opposite side. It’s gonna feel weird as hell but I promise it’s good for you.

90 x 90 x 90

Sitting is not the new smoking. COME ON. Sometimes, we HAVE to sit-- the same cannot be said for the smoking. That said, to minimize the overstretching of the glutes and back extensors and shortening of the hip flexors, we need to implement the only type of math that doesn’t give me anxiety— I call it ~bOdY gEoMeTrY~. When you’re at your desk, try to find the 90-90-90 position. Elbows bent at a 90-degree angle, hips at a 90-degree angle, and knees at a 90-degree angle, with your feet planted firmly, flat on the floor blow, not dangling or crossed or pretzel style. Stack your ears on shoulders, and the ribs on the hips for neutral. Bonus points if you have a large physio ball to use as a chair too because that requires more core activation to remain upright, which we loooove. 

Your body should feel the difference IMMEDIATELY. Don’t say I never gave you anything!


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