How To Save Frizzy & Broken Hair According to the HPS Community

I have struggled with body image for most of my life (still do sometimes, I’m a human being!). One thing that I’ve always appreciated, however, is my thick, wavy hair. Because of the fact that I’ve always been pretty at peace with how it air dries naturally, (and TBH, I’m lazy) and because as a former dancer and now a fitness instructor, my hair is rarely down anyway, I have remained pretty ignorant on how to actually style hair. Now that my hair is long for the first time since college, I haven’t gotten used to the responsibility having all this hair requires.

So, on IG stories last week I posted a photo of my frizz halo seeking the guidance of those who are more gifted with styling their hair than me, and the recommendations were ENDLESS. Just a disclaimer, I haven’t tried all of these products, but I added it to the list if multiple people recommended it in my DMs.

The Best Frizzy and Broken Hair Product Recommendations At All Price Points

Of course, we’re all different and there’s likely never going to be a product that works like a miracle on all of us, but hopefully this list gives narrows it down for you to decide how to handle your own situation! I compiled all the recommendations in my Amazon shop Frizzy & Broken Hair Care List (affiliate links that help support me maintaining Helen Phelan Studio!) for easy access, plus, you can also find my fav at home pilates prop reccs and other fun self care products I love while you’re there 😊.

Conclusion & Free Frizzy Hair Tips

1) Don’t use a regular towel on your hair- use a microfiber towel (linked below) or a cotton t-shirt and squeeze excess water out instead of rubbing dry

2) Don’t even towel dry your hair AT ALL- comb through it in the shower and then don’t touch it until it’s fully dry (not for the faint of heart)

3) Run a dryer sheet (linked below) over hair to remove frizz

4) Spray hairspray on a tissue and run over hair to remove frizz

5) Use silk hair ties (this won’t work for me as even when I get my hair thinned at the salon it’s still super heavy and thick, but if you have finer hair might be a good fit!)


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